Our brand family

Our brand family

Volunteering Works sits within the national charity, Volunteering Matters brand family, alongside Project Scotland, #iwill and Get the Gen.

Volunteering Matters

Volunteering Matters is the UK’s leading volunteering organisation, with 60 years of experience!

Everyone in the UK should have the opportunity to thrive, so we bring people together to overcome some of society’s most complex issues through the power of volunteering.

We partner with communities to overcome adversity, tackle social isolation and loneliness, improve health, develop skills and opportunities, and make sure young people can lead change.

Go to the Volunteering Matters website


ProjectScotland help people aged 16+ to get on in life by volunteering with charities in Scotland. They believe in young people’s ability to positively transform their own lives and those of the people around them.

Go to the Project Scotland website

Get The Gen

Get the Gen are a social enterprise created to support businesses with the challenges around recruitment and retention of a multi-generational workforce.

They work with employers to better understand how to shape their internal dynamics to create a workplace where all individuals can find a way to meaningfully contribute. 

Get The Gen use evidence-based insights to deliver workshops, talks, training, and consultancy work that create lasting change.

Go to the Get The Gen website


#iwill is a UK-wide movement helping young people make a difference in their communities through social action and creating a society where all young people are equipped and enabled to shape and lead change in their own lives and communities.

Go to the #iwill website

Our values

Each brand within Volunteering Matters is guided by our values.

Supporting our teams and communities to make positive changes happen by sharing skills, knowledge, and time.

Actively removing barriers and providing equality of opportunities for everyone. Working together with the shared purpose to make the biggest impact possible.

Putting people at the heart of everything we do.

Recognising and embracing potential, spotting new ideas and having fun along the way.

Having a flexible and uncomplicated approach in our communication style and the way we do things.

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